Look Alive

15 November 2010

LEVI(RO)TATION :: The Path of Two Marys

The name means "bitter", but evokes very compassionate, feminine energy and images. Quite contrary, huh?! Marys and their variations have known contrasts of epic, historical proportions as well: sinners, saints, sisters with a different work ethic and so on. The modern-day MaryMary have returned to the 'urban' gospel scene with "Walking", an arguably too-secular tune with a "Gypsy Woman" flavor from the '90s. Their journey back seems to not only welcome, but groove to, the scrutiny encouraging the listener with "Look at me / I'm tryin' / Everyday I fall down / Make mistakes / Get back up / Try again /  Next time that you see me, I'm walking... ." Sunday's best and most traditional sound or not, I do agree with the sisters when they say with "'Walking' you can't go wrong ... one day at a time". Enjoy the message and the movement!

  • "Always Will" - Tweet
  • "Benediction" - Tara Nova
  • "Don't You Know That" (instrumental w/ hook) - Luther Vandross
  • "Happy Being Me" - Angie Stone feat. Pauletta Washington
  • "Step It Up" (instrumental) - Kokane feat. Tray Deee
  • "Trying People" (instrumental) - De La Soul
  • (Never Do) "What They Do" - The Roots