Look Alive

11 September 2011

Life: To Be Continued

i witnessed myself through borrowed lenses
noticing all too well how superficial flaws
plus the gift and curse of tight genes
can sometimes spark our drives
"He loved me enough to lie"
the widow on the radio
wept in elegy of her
grand emergency
at least 10 
that if you last
through the times
intended to break you
you will recognize yourself
in fullness just around the bend
Kiss him and her first, differently even
before continuing the journey forward to
collect the tokens you left on the way back...

Excerpted from May 22, 2009, I "Re.Mem.Ber"...
* a flood, rising high over top a large expanse of green flatlands. Thought I was on an exaggerated ferry and 'woke up.'
* I remember running alone at night across fields, hiding in a dark ditch of moist earth from the sound of an approaching mob with dogs, eventually escaping and fighting with equal purpose.
* I remember awaiting a girlfriend of mine and the faceless ones' white unmarked van who ravished my childhood body to death, long deciding my grave should be a mall parking lot.
* I remember the trained and licensed 'healers' shutting the Black man out, tearing at my flesh and leaving me for dead as the would-be firstborn was.
* I remember many betrayals and accusations of adultery, witchcraft.
* I remember being taller and thinner with 100 more pounds and less feet.
* I remember two natty sounding the shofar, one at my door with a city on fire in the background and the other to unblock my filled toilet as it grew and its waters rose, well.
* I remember and communicate best in languages I don't speak and in turn use, re-spell and rearrange the languages designed for exploitation of the mama tongue.
* I remember more sweats than the beautiful things in boxes I craved good reason to open to no avail.
* I remember the de(s)cent before the ascent over all I thought I knew and the ability to do the Work.
* I remember that each knows only in part.
* I remember suffering.
* I remember sweetness.
* I remember humanity.

I all-ways remember to forget in p(e)ace.