During a music-filled study break today, I took a moment to learn a bit more about an artist who was really beautifying my experience. I witnessed a typo in the discussion forum I was reading and triggers fired off from nowhere. Well, not really nowhere... Recently, some of my work outside of this space was simultaneously critiqued as being "too formal", "too poetic" and essentially, "not artsy enough". The contradictions were hilarious yet telling of the inconsistently affected nature of opinion, importance of self-knowledge and, more importantly, understanding that God made and knows us best.
The brief tightrope walk through that mode added an extra drop of care to my expression, inspiring a well-intended edit to the artist's info. Apparently, I committed to one of my own in the process once I pressed "save" on the explanation site administrators required for any changes. *sigh* My satisfaction should have come solely from the melodic and lyrical blessing I received, trusting the purpose of the original artistry to eclipse any minutiae. What I ended up with was a 'helpful' contribution I didn't expect or want to be visible, since unnecessary attention and finger-pointing haven't been me since the '70s and are never sound motivation, especially where even larger correction is involved.
Briefly frustrated, I just rested from typing on any platform and had devotion. Hmm... that was all I wanted in the first place anyway! Guess my mistake was really just part of the Lord's mission and desire for me not to concern myself with all the words out there and spend a li'l more time within to better regard His. Well, Amen.
Briefly frustrated, I just rested from typing on any platform and had devotion. Hmm... that was all I wanted in the first place anyway! Guess my mistake was really just part of the Lord's mission and desire for me not to concern myself with all the words out there and spend a li'l more time within to better regard His. Well, Amen.
May the ultimate point be well taken.