It's Super Bowl Sunday in the U.S.!
Unlike last year, I will not have the pleasure of beholding the wide-eyed and salsafied physical beauty that is Victor Cruz. *sigh* I haven't spent that much time in the Bay, so until 2014's game in the New York region, another one of my stomping grounds -- Baltimore -- will represent a li'l something to shout about.
Truth be told, repping San Fran, B'more or the New Orleans playing field doesn't really matter. In this Life, if we're lucky or hardworking enough, we will enjoy memorable experiences on various terrain and with good people. After all, y/our (future) grandkids deserve healing spice amid their inheritance! Should battles arise on the gridiron or in greater arenas, however, this 47th exhibition seems to offer some allegorical assistance.
The Baltimore-affiliated raven, as mythical lore from across the globe and legendary writer Edgar Allen Poe would have it, is a bird of prey, dark and mysterious in its approach. Considered an intermediary between spiritual and mundane realms, raven is sometimes mistaken as solely a harbinger of death. Instead, it behooves us to heed Raven's question, What hidden or shadowy area(s) in y/our lives better serve us, most likely by ending?
On the other hand, the seven squared figure of San Francisco's 49 brings to mind redemptive Jubilee and the Work required to get to the blessed increase upwards of that 50th year point. What in my Life is worthy of celebration, forgiveness and just due respect right now?
Just a thought as February and these famous festivities march in...