"My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the King; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer."
[Psalm 45:1]
With each new day we're given on Earth, literal and longed-for inspiration abounds; differently yet truly for us all. The expression of these unique gifts in turn fosters unique audiences, starting with one: the beholder. Over time, my mind, senses and spirit have collected frequent flier miles of enjoyment on the Life tour, maybe helping another do the same. With each stop, however, I noticed that the number One fan of my inner flame -- the heart & soul daily starting me on my way and keeping me going well -- is none other than the very present help and inspiration of the True and Living God in Christ's Holy Spirit. If for any reason I'm not (enough of) somebody to you, it might hurt my feelings should you choose not to express that opinion gently. Regardless, I am & will ever be confident of a greater purpose than popular stardom: to be psalmbody in Kingdom view. May you also honor the Creator's gifts in you!
MUSIC :: Please be patient with me as I get accustomed to this Walk and welcome/prepare any new songs the Most High deposits in my spirit! Otherwise, original songcraft or featured vocals that sometimes reflects some of the rougher terrain I've seen or trod can be experienced and/or purchased via the channels linked below.
MUSIC :: Please be patient with me as I get accustomed to this Walk and welcome/prepare any new songs the Most High deposits in my spirit! Otherwise, original songcraft or featured vocals that sometimes reflects some of the rougher terrain I've seen or trod can be experienced and/or purchased via the channels linked below.
WRITING :: Psalmbody's first eBook, Oh Well..., is available for FREE download here. Also, please check back for information and links to purchase forthcoming literary work!
As all-ways, your positive attention & support are welcome and greatly appreciated!