Look Alive

04 June 2011

A Great Day

My tools aren't fancy enough to make you see or feel what I do and how... and that's ok!
There was some skin (which I'm happy and healthy in ~ as a momentary gym freak over a decade
 and some lbs. ago or as a mama some lbs. from now ~ without needing to display it outside of the moment).
More sun than what shows here. Many smiles and much Love. For the l(e)ast of these, I am most grateful.

03 June 2011


Sunshine and contentment paved my path this morning ~ there is always something beautiful to witness in God's Work! A weeklong strip of road construction had made area traffic such a hassle for commuters, so the warmth and an unexpected joke were very welcome. Flipping through various drivetime shows, I happened upon mention of great summer concert series, controversy over Rihanna's "Man Down" video, contemporary praise & worship and an odd interview segment of a news brief. Apparently, a certain Caucasian woman had "just discovered the butters" and was upset that 'the Black people [kept] the secret of the cocoa and shea [nut] to themselves'!
Yea and yay for shea!

They made no mention of where the woman was from, but I have noticed that many convenience stores make Palmer's brand products very available, albeit processed. Natural shea butter is also increasingly present in many urban centers of commerce and online to reach a global market. Taking the blame route was a bit misguided, but I don't at all blame her appreciation of the products' effectiveness against dryness and other cross-cultural skin needs. A big tub of it will be in my family's beach bag this weekend, during which time my June writing goal will take a brief backseat to amusement park screams (unless they make our heads feel like jostled nuts), salty splashes, walking meditations, resting and digesting. The thoughts will be more internal or pen-and-papered until we return as God wills it. 

In keeping with the original theme, it was a bit of a stretch to link the concept of smoothness, which "the butters" also promote, and Biblical wisdom, namely that which is found in the Song. Before long, however, the answer became clear as beautiful skin! The relationship of the Lord and His collective Bride in times of political or technological rulership as well as the shepherd and the Shulammite's union in the time of Solomon the king are often beset by what chapter 2 verse 15 calls "the foxes". The wily energies and entities that seek to mock or distract Love at work can be pride, greed, attractive but hollow objects of lust, unnecessary strivings and any other "unhealthy desire"How they enter the proverbial vineyards or growth places in our lives is often by hearts and tongues bent on falsehood or even figurative drunkenness all of which sometimes give smoothness a bad name. When we seek God first and follow the Lord's Way, then overgrowth can be pruned and keep those foxes at bay.

02 June 2011

The Uneasy, A...

Age and aeon are two words that express time, albeit with regard to different scopes. While an age can represent both individual and corporate seasons, the aeon solely represents the larger entity relative to its impact; from many years beset by darkness or enlightenment to 10 seconds in the face of danger or stark truth that completely shift one's paradigm.

A couple of weeks ago, I watched the 2010 film Easy A with family and we really enjoyed the comedic yet intelligent touch with which topics like angst, self-discovery, peer pressure, lies, sacrifice and redemption were handled. There was no infant evidence or actual adultery to warrant the protagonist's likeness to Hester Prynne, but a misspoken word branded the honor student's chest with a salacious "A" all the same. Popular boys and girls as well as ostracized social groups shunned the girl, perhaps for fear that the alleged nastiness she was made of might rub off on them. Even a scandalous guidance counselor and the Christian student group, the leader of which was so harsh and judgmental in her 'witness' that the main character had to ask "was [she] just saved", took joy in finding what appeared to be a more sinful-than-thou scapegoat to pin their tales on. While I don't condone the character's radical embrace of the rumor as the best way to lead others to the truth, I understand from two who did it first how effective it can be at times to leave people to their own assumptions and devices. After all, de-vicing what the enemy devises is the power of the Lord!

In the first chapter of the Song of Solomon, we find a young woman naturally black in skin tone or darkened by rays of ill treatment and forced by her brothers to continue working under such conditions despite the needs of her own vineyard. In a modern context, that may express itself in someone remaining quiet amidst temporary face-saving deceptions, working overtime behind the scenes to foster business for any dominant energy while receiving little compensation in finances, support or respect and so on. Such unfulfilled compromise could make for an unstable st/age that extends far beyond the awkwardness that almost all teenagers gain expertise in by default. I am grateful to have been delivered to a place where I am unafraid to seek and stand for the truth yet unscathed enough to tend to the apparent and not-so-evident wounds of others on the journey too, if allowed.

Early this morning, I was awakened from an odd dream by a very important young man. He had been up late practicing lines he'd have to recite in class as Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream and would need a ride since he missed the bus. As his call forced me into wakefulness, I surprised myself with laughter at the fading, nonsensical images of three random agitators being hit on their chins with a cast-iron pot! Their presences, those of loved ones in some unknown place with good people and bad times as well as a friendly little girl skateboarding in the direction I was leaving on a block I found myself on were silenced as I emerged from slumber. I have no idea what it means although it beat the free-falling airplane turned supermarket parking lot cruiser from the night before. I do know that the free and unfailing Love that God gives means so much more.

01 June 2011

TRINITY TALKS: Music to Our Heirs!

Oops! I just realized that April and May were both without their day one 'TTalks'. Well, as June is considered Black Music Month among many things, I decided to focus this month's Bible study on a great song -- The Song of Songs, attributed to King Solomon!

For each of these 30 days, I will challenge myself and encourage you to revisit the ultimate love song, which can also be considered an allegory for the courtship of Christ and the select Bride from the Body, to produce and share a written piece and/or any act of Love for God's glory! Finding a great dark chocolate bar spiced with ancho and chipotle chilies over cherry pieces on my lunch break yesterday served as such "Chocolove" inspiration to my creative side, but I promise not to write about food too much. My dandelion days were actually the beginning of our changing relationship that I hope to share in some detail with you as the year progresses.

Here and now, however, you are invited to visit the following Bible study tool for greater insight into the story of the young woman and shepherd, consider the heartsongs of a father (remember dads are celebrated this month too) and let the Love of our Creator harmonize our lives!