- the initials, think joyful anointing and not the Gulf ;)
- the colorful approach to some words in my posts, frankly, it's just a creative
and fun way for me to approach hotlinks/URLs for all ages
- my Father's business with a mother's heart of Love
May the Holy Spirit of the Most High God all-ways abide in and harmonize with our time together!
"Open all eyes -- there’s a new day dawning..." And on this day, we will respect various stops along the art-life continuum, recognizing the validity and beauty in all the kinds it takes to make a world. It is a certain kind, however, that desires and works to make it better. Maintaining integrity in our often anonymous, unaccountable digital world and this business (where promotion is more payola than inspired push; 'blonde' is the new and improved black and more important than the true artist is the collaborator or controversy du jour) is not a task for the timid or myopic. If you're feeling like either, please take a moment to excuse yourself; I understand and hope you'll return with a changed mind. Fellow pioneers, walk with me now, if you will.
By birth, I am an African born in America; one in a billion stars who has pursued the relatively great and novel. By choice and/or calling, I share a lifelong love with God, music, the logos, natural healing, social service, travel and education, with a professional background that has touched upon them all. Pivotal opportunities (and in some cases, losses) as a touring & recording artist, community journalist, educator/mentor and caregiver/advocate for the developmentally disabled inspired my initial resonance with the Ghanaian Adinkra symbol (in the center below and in most of the following pages' lower left section) that serves as our logo. It corresponds to the qualities of the sacred feminine and the guiding North Star, reminiscent of my most accessible matriarch and human mentor, forever dear, now departed.
In my journey of striving for goals, places and relationships within the above-named spheres of personal influence, I thought some of those circles would remain as unbroken as the old spiritual... and 'innocence', they have. See, by Divine design and from the inside out, each of us facets looks a lot or a little like the ultimate brilliance of our Creator. Everyone we meet will remain a part of our lives in essence. The lines that grow and show flexibility in becoming circles simply expand or offer tangents to provide a different vantage point for us to more clearly reflect upon other points we should have learned coming around the bend. These points also serve not to grant us another "thing" to associate value to in vain, but to provide direction regarding how, where we once were and where we're going. I believe ~ proving all things per the Holy Spirit, the renewal of the mind, intimate self-embrace of the new man or woman, meditating on virtues and encouraging the same in our fellow vessels are the about face that will lead to true victory. As such, you can call me a souljournalist: soldier for Divine Truth and Love, griot, underdog and groomer per the occasion. Had it not been for the necessary confession of my mouth, PMLLC’s charter to spread the Gospel by creatively championing our sensationalist surreality and the often revelatory nature of this work, you would learn and see nothing more of "me." Still... I pray and avoid being prey to help uphold our wisdom, wellness, unity and joy in the true, living and Almighty Most High, so this woman’s work however humble it may be must all-ways get done, as the chu'ch says, "well!" Amen.
As we continue to learn and develop gratitude for the eternal Son's shine, you can also connect with me on occasion via wonlove(at)iampsalmbody.org.
{This extended mission statement was originally published on the main site in 2006 and revised in August 2009. The video e-mission can be viewed at http://tinyurl.com/psalmbody23}