Look Alive

30 July 2011

An Eye for an "I"?

During a music-filled study break today, I took a moment to learn a bit more about an artist who was really beautifying my experience. I witnessed a typo in the discussion forum I was reading and triggers fired off from nowhere. Well, not really nowhere... Recently, some of my work outside of this space was simultaneously critiqued as being "too formal", "too poetic" and essentially, "not artsy enough". The contradictions were hilarious yet telling of the inconsistently affected nature of opinion, importance of self-knowledge and, more importantly, understanding that God made and knows us best.

The brief tightrope walk through that mode added an extra drop of care to my expression, inspiring a well-intended edit to the artist's info. Apparently, I committed to one of my own in the process once I pressed "save" on the explanation site administrators required for any changes. *sigh* My satisfaction should have come solely from the melodic and lyrical blessing I received, trusting the purpose of the original artistry to eclipse any minutiae. What I ended up with was a 'helpful' contribution I didn't expect or want to be visible, since unnecessary attention and finger-pointing haven't been me since the '70s and are never sound motivation, especially where even larger correction is involved.

Briefly frustrated, I just rested from typing on any platform and had devotion. Hmm... that was all I wanted in the first place anyway! Guess my mistake was really just part of the Lord's mission and desire for me not to concern myself with all the words out there and spend a li'l more time within to better regard His. Well, Amen.

May the ultimate point be well taken.

26 July 2011

I Love the Lord

Last weekend's passing of the young British singer Amy Winehouse was but an example of the tragedy that sometimes accompanies Life, as harshly or even mildly lived. Although excessive emotional, drug and alcohol abuse defined much of the "Rehab" singer's public persona, the cause of the 27-year-old's death has not been officially released to date. The soulfulness of her voice earned her a place of appreciation in my sonic memory alongside a few of her UK contemporaries so much so that such an arguably natural repercussion was still rather unexpected amidst the relative silence between album projects. Common as at least one of the three above-named maladies are to the young and/or famous, I am compelled to repeat last week's sentiment of no one's exemption from the need to let God infuse and direct our attachments, medicines and cups instead.

As God is One of restoration, famed vocalist Whitney Houston is an earthly treasure who may represent to some both once and future polish in the almost 48 years she is still sharing with us in song and body. Hers has long been a powerful voice beloved and then bemoaned as alleged drug use severely compromised its appeal to the masses. Few eyes were left dry and hearts untouched by her work on the 1996 film remake, The Preacher's Wife, and its soundtrack. One such selection, "I Love the Lord" with the Mississippi Mass Choir, was said to have been recorded and released from within the eye of her storms -- and the heart of God. Sounds a bit like the Psalmist's story...

Having sung that particular song version many times and walked in the vicarious shoes of the film's character well before any interaction with a few marriage-related devotionals recently, the different yet complementary duties of spouses in ministry have been at the fore of my mind, heart and soul. Know first that, because I am indeed a single woman in the world's eyes, I am unashamed to be seen as a novice on this topic. Some ne'er wed academics in related fields and even married people have just as much if not more to learn, which is actually a good thing for all involved should truly knowing and growing as (with) a supportive partner be included in Love's definition. I digress...

I generally cherish the masculine principle as Being beautiful in its direct strength. The proverbial black-and-white of its arrows and vectors do serve great purpose. Embodying the feminine principle as I do, the bold, living color of curved lines and points made also has great merit. It would be quite a challenge for our natural world and healthy systems to thrive only on one or the other, though. Neither earth nor the cosmos are without dynamic circles (or relations that change) and flat as once presumed. Why, then, is it so easy for a man called to the mission of ministry, for instance, to set his approach as the mark of success and effectiveness or expect his method to be utilized by his female counterpart and vice-versa, encouraging a blind eye and deaf ear to the Holy Spirit Who dwells within unique proportions? Didn't they each come to 'see and hear' God's power, albeit unified in righteous, Divine purpose? Unnecessarily compromised opinions have no connection to the Lord's dominion.

Just as none of us completely know the higher thoughts and ways of God, whose heart for the devoted Bride is infinite, it seems unGodly to demand of those we love the perfection we will never attain despite the best ability of our flawed beauty. Simply as the picture below stated, by first knowing and Loving God, we can abide by Divine quality standards and love ourselves. From there, we can get to know and love our neighbors. Let another witness more than the aspects of wrath, superiority, terseness, judgment and force in us where applicable. Truth as patience, humility, fluidity, compassion and power are of God too. As I learn, I love you.

18 July 2011


Over the weekend, I came across a tweet that expressed its writer's willingness to embrace the contrasts of humanity so long as they offered genuine love in return. While both good and evil expect devotion from their respective followers, the tweet set me straight away from an unrelated judgment I'd made just a moment sooner. Disappointment with the lengths a "friend" once went to turn my attention into hurtful blame made molten rapids run through my veins for a split-second until I saw the Word in those 140 characters or less. That stranger's stream and seeing 
reminded me of the grandeur, strength and openness of the Lord's arms. 

The weekly music biography series, Unsung, featured disco-era artist Sylvester tonight. Pleasantly remembering traces of the "God-fearing, cross-dressing" openly gay man's high-energy and soulful music kept me tuned long enough to learn more about his early years. Like too many others, a despicable and tragic sexual abuse set the boy on a road that may have contributed to his orientation; choice of identity is another story. Male and female Loved ones with the courage to give less power to lies have confided in me with such experiences over the years and miles between us. By my common sense and their accounts, getting to know oneself through Life's formative periods is challenging enough without being compromised by figures of trust, respect and authority. In Sylvester's case, a clergy member was actually the human culprit.

As the looming spirit of evil would have it, countless young people with plans for fame or just survival fall prey to parents, bosses, mentors and even peers who deceptively groom the hopeful to believe that the greed, theft, drugs, betrayal, illicit sex and the like is the way to 'make it'. Unfortunately, some victims will then attempt to cover or deflect their plight by manipulating others from a place of depravity, fear or displaced anger; extending their detour into darkness. Not so and not fair. The Lord expects a mature enough mindset to know that our sins are not the fullness of us and act accordingly past them. A path without God's guiding Light and a shoulder of genuine understanding is a definition of "hell" that no innocent deserves.

On my own Way to balance within God's Will, the subtle differences between judgment and discernment are increasingly evident. The bi- or homosexuality I've never suggested or subscribed to deviates just as much from what I believe the Divine design to be as do the bouts I've had, for example, with procrastination or ever treating sex's capacity for exclusive healing, pleasure and procreation with my temple as anything less than Godly. Any team jersey and number of reasons we dress in from 00 up periodically requires our honest review, report and re-construction into beautiful. Our self-loathing or judgments of the unknown may be alot to swallow; bitter, too. A major, funded production isn't necessary, but it must be effective unto the improvement of our souls and their honor of our Creator; its markers, evident so as not to harm or hinder passersby. No star(let) or layperson, youth of reckoning or elder, man or woman is exempt. I don't know what else to share of this meditation as neither glorification nor undue judgment are mine. Because God sees the best in me despite the flaws being worked on, however, Love is. 

15 July 2011

intention / extension

Yesterday afternoon, a humbly inspired installation elsewhere met with some technical uploading difficulties. The following are a few more of the insights i intended to display from among the past two weeks' encounters. 

The Word teaches of stumbling as a phenomenon suffered even on the paths of some of the proverbial elect. Regaining one's footing and standing firm with/in the Almighty's grace may allow our vessels to see and navigate the landscape more clearly.

Here's to heal-thy visions while roadtripping! 
The junk shun

"Psylent R/evolution"
[Below, closer: From left to right / 'Step aside' / The Most High calls: are you gonna go...?]



Pillow f(l)ight

Finally, this written piece, courtesy of Crosswalk.com via a wire news service, was actually found just before logging out here and adds another, albeit unexpected, dimension to the 'sign language' displayed.

02 July 2011

A company...meant

I'd always enjoyed the heart and art inherent to the missionaries' home, but
on a night when their company & shelter were needed , these woodcrafts
exuded even more beauty. It was also the woman of the house's birth-
day! In celebration of it and the way God handles ALL beneath yet
within Him, I call this one "Beholding Knewness".

I call this one "Carrying Her Potential". The egg's protective placement
behind her brings themes of humility and hindsight to mind as well.