Look Alive

27 May 2011


Allo Einsteins! If "[t]he field is the sole governing principle of the particle", what guvnahs have you elected? Need we again change our internal regimes for the better? Quite possibly, these recent examples of Patriot. Ism... and Settle. Meant? may make you wonder as far as the external world is concerned. Per the previous post, however, every individual is subject to innate and learned behaviors that may help or hinder our progress. For instance, the talent for leadership or an inclination toward homosexuality are two of many behavioral expressions that emerging science is linking to the genes; assisting the argument that one can't help but naturally live as either. Others take business and empowerment classes, learn to stand up for their beliefs by trial-and-error or otherwise involuntarily learn by way of tragic turns in a jail term, mishandling by trusted ones or strangers and immersion in a certain lifestyle without exposure to anything different. 

To me, Nature has very few desires other than changing as simply or drastically as possible to achieve optimal comfort and effectiveness so it can continue... Being. When it comes to the air we breathe, bodies of water and even the soil of our crops, standing still leads to death. The Creator of said Nature wants us to flow, move and Be within Him, daily revering the Life privilege afresh and at-large (within as well as outside of us). Knowing the best ingredients to put into our goals or bowls seems self-explanatory, but humanity is so creative with its wants especially as language and technology develop. What should all be so simple as put good in, get good out and men and women need each other for energetic balance in promoting the Natural function somehow takes a backseat to placing a colorful adjective or justification before "lie" and differentiates giving as opposed to receiving an illicit sexual act in some cases.

As an old picture from my SoulGlo days surfaced this week, I was comically reminded that diet, sexual orientation, habits, faith life, our chosen mates and *sigh* fashion are all primarily affected by our environment. We often do, reflect what we we are socialized to believe is right. Trust -- the severe scalp irritation and acnerific (toldja 'bout creative language - I don't even know if that's an accepted word and could've just said plain ol' bumpy) grease factor of the curl were not the type of thing I'd force on anyone, especially if you're happy with what you have. Then, as we journey, we adopt and adapt to what feels right until it doesn't and then repeat the process. That collective detour is often the longest and most dynamic stop along the way as feelings tend to be very fluid and have plenty hard and soft lessons to teach us if we obey them alone. All rulers will shift under shaky hands. The Architect of the Universe is the ONLY One Who has perfected keeping the lines straight. Neither day nor night fail to arrive when and where they should, thanks be to God. So finally, there comes a time when we just know what we know and relax in that. 

This week, I found that the dandelion root powder offered a comparable taste and texture to the coffee I've come to enjoy. Allowing myself more rest and shaking the mere four-twilight-hours-of-sleep habit that unintentionally puzzled people since my infancy eliminated the need for any caffeine boosts that the nervous system could do witthout. The Dandy Blend brand actually helped wean me from the taste for either, quickly and in a pleasant way. It also helped deliver the message to engage better kicks! I was doing pretty well without chicken too until my Ghanaian neighbor came by with the secrets of a well-spiced, peanutty experience. I tore into my share of that thing and fell off the wagon for two days, but will be fine as a larger purpose is in sight!

Resuming focus on our "lion's tooth", though, the dandelion lays so low on our common streets (hence the officinale that often follows the Taraxacum in the books) that it's easy to bypass the flower power beyond adding a little color to grasses and giving our childhood wishes visual carriage on fickle winds. Add detoxifying and diuretic properties to the root's mix or the greens to your salad and we got ourselves a party (or maybe not, but you understand)!

Next up: the 'mares of mugwort help keep the wagon steady...

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